Press Releases

Aftermarket Success Story

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Installation of the replacement superheater coilNooter/Eriksen’s Aftermarket Services Group was recently awarded a turn-key project to replace (6) superheater coils at a facility with Non-Nooter/Eriksen equipment. The project also involves the replacement of high pressure steam piping and valves, as well as an extensive casing redesign, platform work, and the addition of quick access manway doors. The HRSGs at this site are atypical in that they have a vertical gas-flow orientation and a design inconsistent with most modern HRSGs. Nooter/Eriksen’s cost effective design of the replacement equipment and innovative field installation procedure were key to winning this project.

Nooter/Eriksen successfully completed work on one HRSG in 2015 and plans to complete the work on the five remaining HRSGs in 2016 and 2017